
What to Expect During Laparoscopic Excision Surgery?

What to Expect During Laparoscopic Excision Surgery?
What to Expect During Laparoscopic Excision Surgery?

The gold standard for the treatment of endometriosis is laparoscopic excision surgery.

Dr. Seckin is a world-class endometriosis surgeon specializing in the excision of endometrial lesions. He trained under Dr. Harry Reich, the first surgeon who performed a laparoscopic hysterectomy in 1989.

What is laparoscopic excision surgery?

Laparoscopic excision surgery is a minimally invasive surgery method that is highly effective. Excision surgery denotes the complete removal of visible lesions from all areas of the body while preserving the healthy surrounding tissue.

It involves a series of steps. First, using a laparoscope, your doctor carefully visualizes your pelvic cavity and organs and gauges the extent of disease. He or she then meticulously removes the lesions one by one. Dr. Seckin increases visualization of endometriosis lesions by using his Aqua Blue Dye technique. When careful attention is paid to hemostasis (controlling bleeding) at the end of the procedure, scarring is usually minor.

What are the advantages of laparoscopic excision surgery?

One of the advantages of laparoscopic excision surgery is that the tissue that is obtained during the procedure can be sent to the laboratory to be examined histologically. This allows for a definite diagnosis of endometriosis.

Another advantage is that if it is performed by a highly skilled surgeon, laparoscopic excision surgery can help preserve or even improve a woman’s fertility while eradicating the symptoms of endometriosis. Because endometriosis mostly affects women of reproductive age, this is a very important consideration.

Another method that some surgeons may use is laser ablation surgery. However, this type of surgery only removes the top layer of the endometrial tissues. This can lead to lesions growing back and the symptoms of the disease recurring.

Your first visit to the endometriosis center

When visiting Dr. Seckin for your first consultation please take the time to remember a few key things.

It is important to bring with you any results of previous examinations, including ultrasounds, lab work, and imaging tests, from your OB/GYN or other specialists. You should arrive 15 minutes before the first consultation. Also, bring someone close to you for emotional support if possible.

On this first visit, our surgeons will review your medical history and perform a detailed gynecological exam, which may include a pelvic sonogram. According to the symptom evaluation, other tests may be necessary, such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), and endometrial biopsy. Importantly, the tests will be tailored to your symptoms and needs. Your doctor will then go over your treatment options and what will be necessary to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for surgery.

On the day of surgery

On this important day, please know that it is normal to feel anxious.

Seckin Endometriosis Center staff are more than happy to assist you in any way possible, to help you in this process and guarantee a safe surgery and recovery.

On our website, you can find helpful tips about things to do the day before your surgery, including a medication schedule, food intake instructions, and a shopping list.

In addition, we also share the experience and advice of a patient of Dr. Seckin’s, Allie on the same page. Her suggestions can be valuable and comforting. However, please remember that every patient’s journey and circumstances are different and we value you as an individual.

Have you had or are you considering having endometriosis surgery? Please share your experience and comment on our post on Facebook or Instagram.

Get a Second Opinion

Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.

Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.